Complaints and returns

Right to withdraw from the contract / Returns

  1. The Buyer has the right to return the purchased Goods up to 14 (fourteen) days, this period is counted from the date of receipt of the Goods by the Buyer. This deadline is met if the Buyer sends the Seller a completed declaration of withdrawal from the contract before its expiry to the e-mail address:
  2. The returned package must be accompanied by a written justification / reason for the return of the shipment or a description of the goods damaged during transport.
  3. In the event of a return, the Buyer returns the Goods at his own expense.
  4. The returned Goods cannot bear traces of use.
  5. If the product has the original packaging, it cannot bear traces of use.
  6. In the event of an effective withdrawal from the sales contract, the contract is considered invalid.
  7. The Customer is obliged to return the purchased Goods immediately, no later than within 14 (fourteen) days.
  8. Returns should be sent to the following address:
    FAT-DP Piotr Łochunko
    Goszczanówko 49
    66-530 Drezdenko
  9. After receiving the return, the Seller reserves the 14 (fourteen) days for the return of the cost of the Goods to the bank account provided by the Buyer in the justification for the return of the product.
  10. If the Goods were sent on a promotional basis at the expense of the Seller – we deduct the amount of the shipment from the refund amount to the Buyer.


  1. In the event of non-compliance of the Goods with the contract, the Buyer may send the claimed Goods back together with a written description of the reason for the complaint.
  2. The claimed Product should be returned to the following address:
    FAT-DP Piotr Łochunko
    Goszczanówko 49
    66-530 Drezdenko
  3. The Seller reserves a period of 14 (fourteen) days for considering the complaint. This period is counted from the date of receipt by the Seller of the advertised Product.
  4. The Buyer will be informed about the complaint by e-mail or by phone.
  5. If the complaint is accepted, the Buyer will be refunded the value of the Goods to the bank account provided by the Buyer in the complaint form.
  6. If, in the case of a justified complaint, a new Product is sent or the non-compliance is removed – the cost of delivery is borne by the Store.
  7. The Seller reserves that the differences in the presentation of the Products, resulting from the individual settings of the Buyer’s computer, are not the basis for a complaint about the purchased Product.